Thursday, May 1, 2008

About me - Centrist

Water finds its own level. No one can be too happy or too sad. No one would like too much of anything or everything. Balance is all. An extreme behavior or action will cause a like reaction. This does not mean the absence of passion. Not contrived, but controlled.

As a political platform, this is it. Not too labour, not too Tory. Not too much for tax cuts, not too much for taxes. The best of both, the worst of neither. Not far-right, nor far-left.

Socialism leaves everyone equally poor. Capitalism is about the survival of the fittest - As humans we like to think we are evolved from a lower species - Darwinism must not apply to us. Not much must be said about communism - a failed system.

The state is best left to govern and defend (law and order, borders). It must be an enabler not a provider. it must not level the field so the fitter come down to the mid level, but bring the less able up to a higher level. Taking the socialist value system and applying it to capitalist thinking gives you a left-of-centre political philosophy. A form of government that is primarily visible for its most needy.

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